Have You Been Retaliated Against by Your Employer?
There are numerous state and federal laws that protect employees against workplace retaliation. Employees can be retaliated against for any number of things, including reporting illegal activity, exercising their rights to family leave or workers' compensation benefits, and many other activities that are fully within their rights.
If you feel that you are a victim of retaliation in the workplace, it is important that you seek the advice of a qualified employment law attorney. At the law firm of Baker Dolinko & Schwartz, P.C. in San Francisco, we represent employees throughout California in a wide array of retaliation claims. We understand how difficult it is to be targeted by your employer when you have not done anything wrong. We will be there with you, diligently working to see that your rights are protected.
California Labor Code Section 1102.5 And The Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Section 1102.5 of the California Labor Code and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 were implemented specifically to protect employees against retaliation for reporting or refusing to participate in unlawful activity in their workplaces. You should not have any fear about doing the right thing. Our lawyers have successfully represented clients in a variety of whistleblower cases at both the state and federal level.
FEHA And Title VII
The California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 both prohibit retaliation against employees who protest workplace discrimination. Discrimination can occur in many ways, such as being passed over for a promotion or being singled out for an alleged violation that is common practice among your co-workers. Many employees also experience retaliatory discrimination after taking time off under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or seeking workers' compensation benefits following a work-related injury.
Contact our office to learn more about our employment law services.