Adam Kmett


San Francisco, California
Southern California Office

Phone: 415-433-1064
Fax: 415-422-9966

Adam joined Baker Dolinko & Schwartz, P.C. in 2020.

Before joining Baker Dolino & Schwartz, P.C., Adam was an associate attorney at a prominent plaintiff-side Southern California employment law firm. At Baker Curtis & Schwartz, Adam’s practice involves representing employees in individual, representative, and class action lawsuits against employers. Adam regularly handles wage and hour, harassment, discrimination, and retaliation claims. His work includes all aspects of case management. He handles client intake, drafts court filings, and oversees discovery at both the State and Federal levels. He has experience resolving cases through mediation and he enjoys strategizing about how to best secure an outcome that meets his client’s needs. Adam’s accomplishments include prevailing on a motion for a new trial and successfully arguing multiple matters in court. Adam also works alongside his colleagues in providing legal advice to employers and executives.

    • Employment Law

    • Class Actions

    • California, 2019

    • U.S. District Court Central District of California

  • UCLA School of Law, Los Angeles, California

    • J.D. – 2019

    • Law Review: Comments Editor, 2018-2019

    Washington & Jefferson College

    • B.A., Phi Betta Kappa, 2014

    • Majors: Economics & Communication Arts

  • Shegerian & Associates (2019-2020)


Robert Dolinko, Partner