Baker Dolinko & Schwartz has represented clients in a number of high profile and high impact matters with significant public policy implications. Their work is regularly referenced by public intellectuals, academics, and the press, including:
Black, K., ‘The Hubris of Big Tech’: Apple Hit With California Labor Lawsuit for Alleged Free Speech, Privacy Violations (, December 4, 2024)
Hrdy, Camilla, Seaman, Christopher, Beyond Trade Secrecy: Confidentiality Agreements That Act Like Noncompetes (Yale L.J., Jan. 2024);
Ahmari, Sohrab, Tyranny, Inc.: How Private Power Crushed American Liberty—and What to Do About It. (Forum Books 2023)
Lobel, Orby, Boilerplate Collusion: Clause Aggregation, Antitrust Law, and Contract Governance (Minn. L.R., Dec. 2021).
Oswalt, Michael, Power and Pay Secrecy (Ind. L.J. Winter 2023).
Volokh, Eugene, California Law Limiting Private Employers’ Restrictions on Employee Speech (, January 29, 2021)
Albergetti, R., A Google Employee Is Suing For Discrimination. He Wants to Know if Google Can Use His Data Against Him (Wash. Post, September 22, 2020).
Zuboff, Shoshana, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power. (Harvard Press, 2019).
Fowler, Susan, Whistleblower: My Journey to Silicon Valley and Fight for Justice at Uber. (Viking, 2019)
Lawmakers Are Trying to Curb Contracts That Make It Harder To Change Jobs (the Economist, May 17, 2018).
Brenner, K., Abuses Hide in the Silence of Nondisparagement Agreements (New York Times, July 17, 2017).