California Off-The-Clock Work Lawyers

California and federal laws require that employees are paid for all the time they spend performing work-related activities. In too many instances, however, employees are pressured into working through lunches and breaks or forced to work past their end times in order to finish a particular task. This type of behavior is a violation of employees' rights, and they are entitled to seek full compensation for the hours they work.

Many employees feel helpless against their employers' demands for off-the-clock work, fearing that they will lose their jobs if they refuse or push back. At the law firm of Baker Curtis & Schwartz, P.C. our attorneys work tirelessly to protect our clients' rights and hold employers accountable when violations are committed.

Dedicated Representation for California Workers

Many hourly employees are treated as though they are salaried, putting in extra hours without any additional compensation. This can include responding to customers' or supervisors' emails and phone calls when they are not on the clock, time spent traveling for work, attending networking events after hours, or even time spent opening or closing the business. The time spent on these activities is generally considered work time that should be compensated regardless of whether it was on-the-clock time or not.

Our lawyers pursue every available option in an effort to ensure that our clients are compensated for all of the time they spend performing work-related tasks. We understand the tactics employers use to get off-the-clock work from employees, and we are committed to doing everything in our power to see that employees' rights are fully protected.


Contact our office to learn more about our employment law services. Free initial consultations are available, and the attorney you hire will be the person who manages your case. You can schedule an appointment by calling 415-433-1064.